Steffen Nitz (ANF)
SN-ListDatei V1.0 available
Today a new Amiga tool by Steffen Nitz has been released:
SN-ListDatei V1.0. It shows a list of all files from one directory including all subdirectories in a single window.
This tool is very handy for e.g. HTML designers who work with several subdirectories. The file list might be saved as text file or send to the printer. There are also overview statics available which show the numer of files and directories and their sizes.
Download page: http://www.sn-archiv.de/13822.html
Furthermore The Altdeutschland coins page has been maintained. The Pommern Stralsund page became the most extensive page because it will be the Author's favorite.
The page contains pictures of
six differnt coins from the middle age from the city of Stralsund (located at the coast near the isle Rügen in today's Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). (nba) (Translation: ub)
[News message: 22. Jun. 2005, 13:11] [Comments: 0]
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