Dietmar Knoll (ANF)
Amiga-User-List: GAUHPIL Database completely translated to Spanish
The Spanish translation by Dámaso Domínguez has been completed and both lists, the GAUHPIL and the "Amiga-User-List" are now available in English, German and Spanish.
Furthermore, the introduction of additional address information is prepared. This function
will be activated as soon as the selection of U.S. states has been implemented.
What is the GAUHPIL?
The GAUHPIL (Geographical Amiga Users Home Page Internet List) is a public MySQL based database
created and moderated by Dietmar Knoll. It contains website addresses of Amiga users, that can
be questioned by continent and country. Additionally, it features a flexible search function.
Currently, the GAUHPIL lists 690 users from 38 countries.
What is the Amiga-User-List?
Since May 2005, the GAUHPIL database shows all registered users, but only for other registered
users that have to be logged in. A personal homepage is no longer required for registration.
The new "Amiga-User-List" is not limited to users with homepage. After registering and filling
in name and country, one can immediately browse the new "Amiga-User-List".
92 users have already registered and are automatically shown in the "Amiga-User-List". (snx)
[News message: 01. Jun. 2005, 14:53] [Comments: 0]
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