Stock market software: Prerelease of Brokerage-It!
The prerelease of Brokerage-It!, a universal and compact stock market and asset management software based on Rebol/View, is now available for download following the title link.
Brokerage-It! has an intuitive and userfriendly interface and allows an easy and efficient management of your assets.
Minimum requirements for using Brokerage-It! are an Amiga with 68060/50-MHz processor, 32 MB RAM as well as an according REBOL/View suite from REBOL Technologies.
The application is also usable on every other platform running REBOL/Vies (AmigaOS4 / MorphOS / Amithlon / Windows / Linux). It has been developed and testet with REBOL/View running on AmigaOS/68k.
Beside Brokerage-It! there are some more REBOL based applications and small games available at the website. (snx) (Translation: ub)
[News message: 31. May. 2005, 09:55] [Comments: 0]
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