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Thomas Würgler (ANF)

Susumu Hirasawa composes boot jingle for AmigaOS 4.0
Leuven, Belgium, May 25, 2005 - Chaos Union and Hyperion Entertainment VOF announced today that recording artist Susumu Hirasawa will deliver a boot jingle created specifically for AmigaOS 4.0. Two additional tracks will also be included on the AmigaOS 4.0 CD to showcase Hirasawa's music.

About Susumu Hirasawa

Susumu Hirasawa is a highly acclaimed recording artist. He has written soundtracks for commercial successes such as Millenium Actress, Paranoia Agent, the Beserk TV-series and videogame, and he is currently working on his latest CD-release. Since 1979 he helped defined Japanese pop-techno in the group P-MODEL and launched his first solo album in 1989. Since the mid-90s Hirasawa has toured with his Interactive Live Show utilizing Amigas with the support of Amiga user group of Japan (FAMIGA) for a spectacular interactive multimedia performance.

About Hyperion Entertainment VOF

Hyperion Entertainment is a privately held Belgian-German company, founded in March of 1999. The company specializes in 3D graphics and the conversion of top-quality entertainment software from Windows to niche-platforms including Amiga, Linux (x86,PPC) and MacOS (OS 9/X).

Hyperion Entertainment has undertaken contract-work in the field of 3D graphics for companies such as Monolith ( and has developed a mature, fast, small foot-print technology to bring 3D graphics to low power digital devices such as PDAs and STBs.

Hyperion is currently working on AmigaOS 4.0, a vastly enhanced PPC native incarnation of the groundbreaking OS introduced by Commodore in 1985. (snx)

[News message: 25. May. 2005, 12:29] [Comments: 0]
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