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Dietmar Knoll (ANF)

Amiga User List: GAUHPIL database software update
From now on, the GAUHPIL software uses no cookies anymore. Registration is done by sending a password by electronic mail. After logging in, the user can edit his entry as before. Furthermore, every registered user can now finally alter the e-mail address and password. If wanted, the user can also remove the whole entry from the database.

The GAUHPIL (Geographical Amiga Users Home Page Internet List) is a MySQL based database created and moderated by Dietmar Knoll. It contains website addresses of Amiga users, that can be displayed by continent and country. Additionally, it features a flexible search function. Currently, the GAUHPIL lists 707 users from 38 countries. The number of users for each country can be found on the page "All Countries". (snx)

[News message: 15. May. 2005, 10:11] [Comments: 2 - 16. May. 2005, 19:48]
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