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Steffen Nitz (ANF)

Current state of DKG II and SN-Archiv homepage
The SN-Archiv homepage is now accessable via the short URL, too.

Of SN-EuroArchiv is version 1.95 under development. Image support for the HTML support for course coins sets was added that will be available in the future for special coins, too. Additionally, some bugs were removed that concerned the HTML support. An example for the new ccs generating can be found here (needs some loading time because of the images).

Steffen Nitz also decided to create an images gallery for SN-EuroArchiv. The page is still under construction and can be accessed via this URL.

There are thoughts to create a similar gallery for "Die Kleine Gilde II" to show the scope of the game. DKG II v0.70 is almost finished but the author has had not found the time to do the last adaptions to release this version. Things like town fires, burglary and sabotages like setting fires or placing bombs at competitiors buildings were added. You can now place things in buildings that are quite helpful, e.g. against fire and burglary. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 30. Apr. 2005, 22:39] [Comments: 0]
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