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Steffen Nitz (ANF)

Status report: "Die Kleine Gilde II" & SN-archives
Since the last version of the realtime strategy simulation called "Die Kleine Gilde II" there have been some changes.

For details please have a look at the developer-diary. The new version of Die Kleine Gilde II is in beta test and will be published in one or two weeks. If you have suggestions, bug reports, registrations or simply some feedback you can contact this special e-mail-address.

News from the SN-archives:

Since November the account management called "SN-KontoArchiv II" is in development. The input of account data has already finished. Currently the input and output statistics are added. SN-KontoArchiv II is the successor of SN-KontoArchiv I and ist not compatible to the previous version because all source code of this version has vanished. SN-KontoArchiv will be part of "SN-Archiv-Paket". Those ones who have already registered can also use SN-KontoArchiv II without any restrictions

Status of SN-EuroArchiv II:

SN-EuroArchiv 1.9 is also in work. The entry list can be now adapted with up to 17 columns. The HTML-support for KMS and special coins was also improved. Now it is possible to determine the colour of special coins in KMS (KMS-HTML-site) or to determine the special coin from the KMS (special coin-HTML-site).

Just like above: Send suggestions, bug reports, registrations or other feedback to this e-mail-address. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2005, 18:18] [Comments: 0]
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