Carsten Siegner (ANF)
MorphOS: "IR tool" for remote control
Carsten Siegner developed a small program to demonstrate the control of a Pegasos computer via a remote control. Required for this is an infrared receiver module, Siegner uses a module from blue-blacklight.de.
"IR server" moves the mouse arrow, emulates the right mouse key and some keyboard keys and controls ArtEffect, fxPAINT, AmigaAMP, FroggerNG and Mplayer.
All in all supports the IR server 34 remote control keys where some are used several times. For directly supported programs are the following actions possible:
- ArtEffect: can only be started
- fxPAINT: can be started and stopped. Images can be loaded
- AmigaAMP: is completely supported
- FroggerNG: is completely supported excluding the track control
- Mplayer: can be switched to normal mode or to DVD player.
All keys are supported
In addition you can open/close a CD/DVD drive via a remote control. Besides that supports the server an asycronous universal requester controled via the remote control to input files.
The program is written completely in ARexx and needs the following libraries:
- tritonlibrary
- tritonrexx.library
- rexxtricks.library
- rexxserdev.library
- rexxsyslib.library
Download: ir-tool.lha (36 KB)
(cg) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 05. Feb. 2005, 19:47] [Comments: 0]
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