Jan Klok (ANF)
Photoalbum Creator II released
Photoalbum Creator II generates HTML pages and mainly intended for creating photo albums. The program is written and conceived by Jan Klok and is e-mailware. That means that the author would like you to send him an e-mail if you use his program.
You can use this program for generating your own photoalbums, website, HTML documentation, etc. If you do however, the author asks you to give credit where it is due by mentioning that your pages were generated with Photoalbum Creator II.
Some features:
- MUI interface with D&D capabilities
- AppWindow; just drop a file on it to open the file
- Nlisttree as core for website layout
- Generates HTML and some Javascript, you just need to supply your pictures
- Two layout schemes and three colorschemes to choose from
- Online help (Amigaguide and HTML) - actually the PAC2 homepage was created with PA2
- HTML preview window for quick impression of page layout
- Fast HTML generation
- Configurable default project file
- Configurable border size for images
- Fully configurable toolbar look
- Example projects included
- Tested with IBrowse 2.3, IE6 and Netscape 7
Direkter Download: PAC2v0.93.lha (498 KB) (snx)
[News message: 04. Feb. 2005, 19:05] [Comments: 0]
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