Carsten Siegner (ANF)
Instructions: Using DrawStudio on the Pegasos
Carsten Siegner describes as follows how one may get DrawStudio to run on the Pegasos. He writes:
"First you should get the archive from my webpage: Drawst.lha. It contains a monitor driver named "PAL." That's a PAL emulation for CyberGraphX. Further there's a prefs file for Drawstudio. Copy this to the DrawStudio directory.
After that DrawStudio starts fine with a normal screen-mode picture. The only thing still missing is SmartWin from Aminet. This gets past a small bug in DrawStudio. SmartWin must be copied to the startup directory. After a reboot, the Pegasos user may use DrawStudio totally normally." (snx) (Translation: dm)
[News message: 03. Feb. 2005, 11:50] [Comments: 2 - 21. May. 2005, 10:07]
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