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Matthias Jaap/Mac Life

IBM announces details to Cell-Chip
The new consoles from Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft will be introduced on the E3 in May next year for the first time. But the winner is already clear: IBM. All consoles will have a CPU from IBM which is unique until now.

Such a news is also the Cell-Chip which IBM together with Sony and Toshiba developed. As a first product a workstation will be developed which contains the Cell-Chip and which will become the developing environment for the PlayStation 3. Cell is related with IBMs POWER-Chips and is a Multi-Core-System with 64-Bit. Each of this Cores could have an operating system independent of the others. Unlike the processor of the PlayStation 2 which is the Emotion Engine, Cell is not mainly optimated for consoles but useful for different purposes. (nba) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2004, 02:27] [Comments: 0]
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