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AmigaOS 4: uploads at
The new uploads since our last posting at

cwmmoria.lha        gam/rol 728kb CWMMoria 1.1.0 - a rogue-like RPG game
os4reboot.lha       uti/wor  34kb Reboot utility for OS4
imagemagick-bin.lha gra/edi  14Mb Image manipulation programs
imagemagick-src.lha gra/edi   7Mb Image manipulation programs - source
php-os4-bin.lha     dev/lan   3Mb PHP 4.3.0 - AmigaOS4 binaries
diskhelpers.lha     dev/uti 276kb DiskHelpers - A collection of Hard Disk exam tools
amishots.lha        gra/mis  89kb AMIShots for Amiga. An Amiga clone of Webshots
unrar-bin.lha       uti/arc 180kb Unpacks RAR files
id3edit-os4.lha     uti/fil  41kb port of simple ID3 tag shell editor
mpgtxos4.lha        vid/edi 275kb manipulate mpeg audio and video files
(cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 20. Nov. 2004, 19:55] [Comments: 0]
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