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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Test: Compatibility of a Pocket Video-Recorder with MorphOS
After Carsten Siegner acquired a pocket video-recorder, he tackled the question of whether the particular model, an Archos AV400, could be utilized without problems on MorphOS, given its use of a USB connection. He writes:

"Everyone who would like to have a real hardware encoder for the Pegasos should have a look at the AV400 from Archos. This is a pocket video-recorder that encodes and decodes videos in MPEG4-SP format in realtime. Outside of that it outputs the sound formats of MP3, WMA and WAV, and captures WAV clips.

Because it makes use of a USB port, I can copy a clip of video over to my Pegasos hard-drive, or even view it with MorphOS MPlayer directly off the camera's internal 20 meg hard-drive.

A DVD image in DIVX-4 format may be generated with an appropriate editing program direct on the camera's hard-drive, so that I may then view this video data by making use of the video connections on any standard TV. Doing it this way maintains the output quality at the level of a DVD. By contrast, if I make the video with the device itself, the quality is only about SVCD level." (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 18. Nov. 2004, 07:23] [Comments: 0]
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