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Genesi: High Technology Task Force visits ODW assembly
Press Release, 25th August 2004 - Jesse Wadhams, Technology Policy Counsel to the Chairman, High Tech Task Force (HTTF), United States Senate and Judy Flynn, Regional Aide to United States Senator John Ensign visited the assembly production of the Open Desktop Workstation (ODW) on Tuesday, 24 August at the Easter Seals Southern Nevada (ESSN) Job Training and Employment Facility. Also, present during the site visit were Joe Lombardo, Director, National Supercomputer Center for Energy and the Environment (NSCEE), University of Nevada Las Vegas, Brian Patchett, CEO/President, ESSN and Tina Jeeves, Chief Operating Officer, ESSN.

Genesi provided an overview of the Corporation and the assembly for which it has retained the services of ESSN. The Avalanche Desktop Reference Management Platform (DRMP) Project, in which NSCEE will participate was also discussed. NSCEE also seeks to develop the PegasosPPC for cluster computing at the NSCEE. Following the visit, Genesi agreed to also support the HTTF in the Avalanche DRMP Project. A number of Technology Summits are being planned by the HTTF in Nevada and both Genesi and the NSCEE agreed to participate in a future event.

A selection of photos of the visit are available in the Genesi Gallery.

The mission of the HTTF is to act as the Republican Leadership’s outreach effort to the technology community and to advise the Republican Caucus on technology issues during the 108th Congress.

The National Supercomputing Center for Energy and the Environment (NSCEE) is a full-service supercomputing facility with on-site and off-site user training, national network accessibility and a mission for excellence in education and research in supercomputing and its applications.

Genesi and Avalanche DRMP Project is featured in the August issue of IBM Power Architecture Newsletter and will presented in detail at the Freescale Smart Networks Developer Forum 2004 Europe in Frankfurt, Germany. The PegasosPPC mainboard and CPU card is manufactured by Genesi in Germany and shipped to the ESSN facility for assembly to US customers. All other components required to assemble the ODW are supplied by Genesi Business Partner, Directron. (snx)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2004, 05:54] [Comments: 0]
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