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Genesi (e-mail)

Genesi: Invitation to SNDF Europe for PowerPC developers
We would like to invite all interested PowerPC Developers to Smart Networks Developer Forum in Frankfurt on 30 September.

You can attend the Tech Show in the morning and attend Workshops. In the afternoon we will have some special PegasosPPC oriented presentations, including a series of workshops on AltiVec.

Lunch is included and developers who have been pre-approved and attend will be given an Open Desktop Workstation compliments of Freescale and Genesi.

In exchange, developers are ask to file a monthly report on what they are doing with the machine - only basic guidelines for development will be given.

Please contact us if you are interested in developing for the platform and attending PegasosPPC Day at SNDF Europe.

Raquel Velasco & Bill Buck (snx)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2004, 14:09] [Comments: 0]
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