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IOSPIRIT appoints Mr. Hardware Computers as Official US-Distribution Partner
In an effort to improve the availability of its AmigaOS/MorphOS line of products in the United States of America, Mr. Hardware Computers has been appointed by IOSPIRIT as the Official Distribution Partner for this region.

US customers interested in the IOSPIRIT titles will benefit of shorter delivery times and the US-centric infrastructure of Mr. Hardware Computers. When ordering through this partner, US dollars can be used as currency for all payments. Furthermore locally popular methods of payment like money orders or the Amex, Mastercard, Visa and Discovery creditcards are then available. Off of this list, IOSPIRIT at the time of writing does only offer Visa and Mastercard.

"We are very glad we could win Mr. Hardware Computers as Official Distribution Partner for the US region and can now jointly offer US customers a tailor-made solution for purchasing our products." said Felix Schwarz, IOSPIRIT.

"Mr. Hardware Computers is happy to include IOSPIRIT's products to our line of software programs. Demonstrations of these powerful programs will be given at usergroups around the New York area." said Russ Norrby, Mr. Hardware Computers.


IOSPIRIT is a software-development and -distribution company based in Herzogenaurach, Germany. It's the company's declared goal to bring innovative, fast and reliable graphics software products to the desktop of its customers at competitive prices. The inhouse development has created - among others - such popular titles as fxPAINT, fxSCAN and VHI Studio. IOSPIRIT also is worldwide distributor of IBrowse and the Medusa USB bundle.

About Mr. Hardware Computers

Mr. Hardware Computers is an Amiga Sales, Service and Product Development company since 1985. Based in New York, USA. Devoted to the Amiga since its inception. Amiga computers are used to run all aspects of the company. The company's main software is a database called "SBase" (formerly SuperBase) and also produces Amiga Mouse and Keyboard Adapters for Classic Line Amigas. Being on the OS4 Development/Betatester team, Mr. Hardware Computer's commitment has been strengthened to continue to upgrade and repair all Amiga computers. (snx)

[News message: 18. Aug. 2004, 15:37] [Comments: 0]
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