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Jörg Renkert (ANF)

Error in AmiChameleon installer script
In the version of AmiChameleon released on August, 12th (we reported) is a bug in the installer script. According to a user's report the installer script aborted during the installation process. As an entry in the startup-sequence must be done the startup-sequence wasn't readable anymore after a reset.

The new script now doesn't add an entry to the startup-sequence anymore but gives the user the information that an entry has to be done and where it has do be done.

If this error occurs to other users, too, here is the solution of the problem: Before the writing to the startup-sequence a backup of this file was created called s:startup-sequence.orig. Just give it back its original name and everything should work as before.

Jörg Renkert (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 14. Aug. 2004, 23:02] [Comments: 0]
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