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Olaf Barthel & Matthias Rustler

Sourceforge Project for "clib2"
"clib2" is a C library that's used in OS4 wherever the alternative "newlib" is not. Olaf Barthel has worked on this library for two years, originally with the goal of using it for the port of Samba 2.2.5.

In the meantime a lot more has happened: An almost complete ISO-C (1994) compatible runtime environment with fully available source code. It may be used with GCC (68k und PowerPC) or SAS/C. Whoever has problems with the StormC runtime library, for example, may have better luck with clib2 (assuming an adaptation to this compiler has been made).

Because such a big project is not without bugs after two years, Olaf would be pleased to have the support of more developers. To this end the clib2 project has been hosted on for the past few weeks. (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2004, 12:44] [Comments: 0]
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