Christian Rosentreter (ANF)
MorphOS: MLdonkey 2.5.22
MLdonkey is a multi-platform multi-networks peer-to-peer client. Currently,
with eDonkey, it supports several large networks, such as Overnet,
Bittorrent, Gnutella (Bearshare, Limewire, etc.), Gnutella2 (Shareaza),
Fasttrack (Kazaa, Imesh, Grobster), Soulseek (beta), Direct-Connect (alpha),
and Opennap (alpha).
Changes for 2.5.22 since 2.5.20:
- Fixed a bug in number of sources computation.
- Major changes in search results management
- 'mem_stats' now takes an argument (0 normal, 1 more details).
- Fixed bug adding unwanted friends
- Added RSS loading via option web_infos (command "rss")
- DonkeyClient: re-implemented indirect connections
- Applied Savannah patches:
#3165 (ipset), #3166 (mozilla height), #3178 (BT compatct). #3184 (hightime)
#3162, #3005 (networks), #3007 (printf2), #3008, #3016 (solaris), #3017
(log),#3023 (telnet), #3024 (log), #3028 (donkey-ip), #3029 (firewalled),
#3030 (log), #3031 (ft users), #3033 (chmod), #3039 (Makefiles), #3046
(telnet), #3065 (misc), #3067 (bsd), #3096 (wincomp), #3100 (force dl),
#3070 (upload), #3120 (html), #3124 (ed2khash)
For a full list of changes read the ChangeLog inside the archive.
The archive can be downloaded from the title link.
(cg) (Translation: cg)
[News message: 31. Jul. 2004, 17:24] [Comments: 0]
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