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Jens Schönfeld (e-mail)

Individual Computers: Technical specifications of the new Catweasel MK4 (Update)
Under the title link you can find some technical specifications of the new Catweasel MK4, which is said to be released by Individual Computers in October 2004 and might be already demonstrated at the AmiWest on July 24/25. Since the complete list of new features is quite long, we are just quoting an extract here:
  • The most obvious change is the size of the card: With only 2.5 inch (63.5mm) height, it complies with the low-profile PCI standard.
  • Kylwalda built in: While the old Catweasel models always had their own floppy drives that were installed in addition to the existing controller and drives, the MK4 has the option of using the existing diskdrives.
  • Suppot for auto-eject drives
  • Hard-sectored disks supported
  • More flexible read- and write operations
  • Extensive timer-functions
  • All events can trigger an interrupt
  • Improvements on the keyboard interface: In addition to Amiga-keyboards, PS/2 devices can now also be connected. Not only keyboards, but also PS/2 mice are supported.
  • Amiga mice supported in hardware
  • Every signal can be programmed as output
  • Compatible with CD32 pads
  • Improvements on the SID audio part: a DC-DC converter eliminates noise and cycle-exact control is possible
  • Digiboost for new SID versions: As opposed to the 'classic SID' 6581, the newer SID-chips 8580 and 6582 cannot playback samples any more. This option, which is also called 'the fourth voice', is replaced by two sigma-delta converters on the Catweasel MK4, so the fourth channel is also audible with the newer SID versions.
  • Two SIDs for stereo sound
  • Compatible with 3.3V and 5V PCI slots
  • Two DMA interfaces
  • Low power consumption
  • Reconfigurable logic: The FPGA on the Catweasel MK4 is completely reconfigurable by the drivers. This means that a hardware update can be done through the Internet.
  • Drivers for many operating systems: The Catweasel MK4 is delivered with drivers for Linux, Windows 98(SE)/ME/XP/2000, Amiga OS4, and for Mac OS X at a later date. MorphOS drivers are available for a surcharge.
Update: (15:13, 18.07.04, snx):
In case of a temporary inavailability of the Individual Computers server due to maintenance scheduled for this weekend, there exists an alternative link at (snx)

[News message: 18. Jul. 2004, 14:35] [Comments: 0]
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