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Cloanto: Amiga Explorer 6.0 released
Cloanto have released version 6.0 of their Amiga Explorer. A trial version (1.9 MB) can be downloaded which is limited in a way that it can't transfer files with more than 1 KB in size.

The Amiga Explorer networking software makes it possible to access the resources of an Amiga computer from one or more Windows systems. Configuration is extremely simple and by default requires only a few mouse clicks on the Windows side.

The new version 6.0 of Amiga Explorer is compatible with AmigaOS 4.0 and MorphOS. The trial version can also be used for upgrading from the previous version.

Amiga Explorer is available stand-alone as well as a part of the emulator package Amiga Forever, which is to be released also in version 6.0 in a few days. (snx)

[News message: 15. Mar. 2004, 19:14] [Comments: 0]
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