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Aminet (Website)

Aminet uploads until the 17th of December 2003
Here is the list of all recent Aminet uploads since our last report:
StarAm_Plan.lha      biz/misc   752K+Spreadsheet, V2.23,OS 3.0+, 68000 CPU
StarAm_Plan881.lha   biz/misc   747K+Spreadsheet, V2.23,OS 3.0+, needs FPU
amiycoders.lha       comm/mail   29K+V0.6 yEnc Encoder / Decoder for the Amig
DVBFontUpload.lha    comm/misc   40K+Font upload for Nokia D-Box via SCSI. 68
gng_SP.lha           comm/www     9K+GNetGrabber 1.x spanish catalogs v1.0.0
vbcc_PosixLib.lha    dev/c      108K+POSIX compatibility library for vbcc
Amitekst_E.lha       dev/e        6K+AREXX scripts for use with AmiTekst Pro 
amiycoders_src.lha   dev/e       20K+E Source Code to AmiyCoders! V0.6
objectbrowser.lha    dev/e       11K+Object Browser / System Debugger 0.8
AmigaTalk.lha        dev/lang   1.4M+V2.5 Update of AmigaTalk (Smalltalk GUI)
SFS.lha              disk/misc  268K+Smart Filesystem copyrighted by John Hen
ThePolice.lha        docs/hyper  52K+The Police: albums, lyrix, singles +more
saku44.lha           docs/mags  8.4M+Saku #44 (3/2003). Finnish e-zine.
Labyrinth2Chts.lha   game/hint   12K+Cheats for the game Labyrinth 2.
WormWars.lha         game/misc  539K+Worm Wars 7.72: Advanced snake game
MicroWorld.lha       game/think 6.2M+Simple logical game (CGX Friendly)
kray.lha             gfx/3d     830K+Freeware raytracer v1.4
ambot.lha            hard/drivr  62K+Cybot/Real Robots programmer w/ C source
PoseidonMain.lha     hard/drivr 420K+Poseidon USB Stack Update 2.2
TestGear-Extra.lha   hard/hack  223K+A600, A1000, A500(+), A1200 & PC extras.
TheMPegEncGUI.lha    mus/misc   358K+GUI 4 Lame,Ogg,BladeEnc,Pegase,Ncode,Mus
MrCarlitoWb-06.jpg   pix/icon   314K+First full FREWARE PNG-Icon replacement 
Dale_font.lha        text/bfont  14K+Fixed topaz rep. in sizes 5,6,8,10,11,12
AddLF.lha            text/misc    2K+Add LineFeed to textfile at column ~80
OnyxPrelude.lha      util/cdity  34K+Comprehensive mixer for Prelude. MUI.
DegasDT.lha          util/dtype  30K+Datatype for Degas pictures
MathLibs881.lha      util/libs   12K+Free 68881/2 math-libraries with source,
AObjView.lzh         util/misc   31K+Displays the Hunk structure of Amiga Obj
DigiConverter.lha    util/misc   13K+Handy dec/hex/bin/float/ASCII-converter
xPackBest.lha        util/pack   18K+Pack using XPK, adaptive, recursive
ARxShellV1.2b.lha    util/rexx   99K+A shell for ARexx V1.2b
parename.lha         util/rexx   11K+AREXX script to rename images within Pho
popsearch.lha        util/rexx   15K+Quick searching from IBrowse, AWeb and V
DRemind.lha          util/time  308K+Reminds you whenever you want.. v1.67!
VE_SP.lha            util/virus  11K+VirusExecutor 2.3x spanish catalog v2.33
windowbar.lha        util/wb    272K+Window mimizer and program launcher
(nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 17. Dec. 2003, 15:22] [Comments: 0]
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