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05.Dec.2003 Diverse |
Software-News (05.12.2003) In the last weeks several software updates have been published. We will inform you briefly. Worm Wars v7.71a The Snake-clone Worm Wars from Amigan Software was published in version 7.71a for AmigaOS and Windows. Since the last version several improvements have been made. Smart Filesystem v1.212 SFS is an alternative filesystem for the Classic AmigaOS which is known despite its beta status for its high writing, reading searching speed. The maximum size of files is 2 gigabyte, the maximum size of a partition is 1024 gigabyte. CopyIcon v0.9 CopyIcon is a little MUI-tool for copying PNG-icons which has been published by its developer Mariusz Barczyk in version 0.9 for MorphOS as Freeware. JabberWocky Jabber is an open XML-protocol for the direct exchange of messages over the IM-services AIM, ICQ, MSN and Yahoo. Roger Clark and Jeff Gilpin have published a new ARexx-script that can switch between a visible and invisible ICQ status. (nba) (Translation: dr) [News message: 05. Dec. 2003, 02:35] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] | ||
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