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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Analogue data capture for Amiga
For the recently by Carsten Siegner announced 3-wire bus interface to control different ICs (we reported) is now a circuit diagram as well as some pictures available as a PDF document.

To be able to use the interface has Carsten written a short measuring program that outputs the given voltage as integer byte number and as floating point number.

Before using the program the following ENV variables have to be set:
  • "Analog-device": (used serial device)
  • "Analog-unit": (used serial unit)
  • "Analog-volt": (maximum measured, permissible voltage and voltage to reach. Typical here are 5 V. Here you should measure again with a multimeter as you can get under circumstances values between 4.089 - 5.04 V.)

The program needs the following files:
  • Rexxtricks
  • tritonrexx
  • rexxserdev

The program and the mentioned circuit diagram and photos are available as LHA archives.

Direct download (190 KB)

For the future Carsten plans the data capture with several channels. For this he has already got a chip LTC 1293. This can collect and convert six different analogue measure data and forward them sequentially to the computer. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 22. Nov. 2003, 18:50] [Comments: 0]
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