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Amigaworld (ANF)

Interview with Alan Redhouse from Eyetech (Update)
The Amiga-portal AmigaWorld has interviewed Alan Redhouse who is the manager of the Eyetech Group.

Update: (cg, 21.11.2003, 14:25)

We have summarized the most important statements of Alan Redhouse in the following lines:
  • Alan Redhouse thinks that more AmigaOnes have been sold than other "open" (that means not Apple/IBM) PPC systems.
  • since AmigaOS4 has been officially demonstrated on the AmigaOne the amount of sold AmigaOnes has been increased
  • currently it is tried to deliver all "Earlybird"-customers a beta version of OS4 if possible before Christmas
  • the Onboard Graphic-chip of the Micro-A1 is still not certain but probably it will become a low-cost Radeon Chip
  • the "High-Tech" interfaces (RAID, Gigabit Ethernet, USB2, Firewire) will be implemented at the Micro-A1 probably on a seperate, optional platine. Because of that the board will become cheaper for customers.
  • Waiting peroid when ordering an AmigaOne motherboard: ca. two weeks (Complete system: Four weeks)
  • Until now there have been two problems refered to the DMA at the AmigaOne: The first is caused by VIA bug and has been fixed with the help of a software patch. The second problem is that the ArticiaS enables the simultaneous access of CPU and a of a PCI busmaster to the memory. In the x86-world this is not usual because of that the (of Linux-x86 ported) Linux drivers may not manage this. This oddity of the ArticiaS is supposed to be a included "turbo" which makes the computer "smarter". AmigaOS4 is not affected by these two problems
  • Exactly fitting boxes are not possible because of the costs but Eyetech works with Naya Design on some modifications which change the standard boxes to Amiga boxes in a cheap way.
  • Single-CPU-modules with faster G3/G4-processors already exists and have been presented officially, too. But there must be ca. 400 preorders to enable such a product. Because of that only dual-cpu modules has planned.
  • The AmigaOne in Micro-ATX format has planned only for the end of the next year.
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 21. Nov. 2003, 13:36] [Comments: 0]
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