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Amiga Flame (Website)

"Pirates!" Clone: Graphic Artists Sought for "Drake"
The ZeroVertex-team of Oliver Gantert has been working for some time on a 3D clone of the strategy classic "Pirates!." Now that big steps with the game engine have been taken in the last few months, and Oliver says this is "about 98% ready," the thing urgently needed now is 3D graphic artists.

ZeroVertex is looking for 3D artists and animators who make use of 3dsmax, Milkshape3D, or some other software that offers "bone animation" support. Further, they need 3D artists who can produce static models like houses, plants, and they need texture artists as well, who can come up with textures for the existing models.

Whoever wants to help should send an email to Oliver Gantert. (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 20. Nov. 2003, 15:47] [Comments: 0]
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