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Steffen Nitz (ANF)

SN-EuroArchiv Coin Collecting Program Available from Aminet
SN-EuroArchiv V1.0 is now available from Aminet (109 KB).

SN-EuroArchiv is a coin collection management program designed especially for European coins. It manages single coins, coin sets, memorative coins, coin rolls, and starter sets in a simple fashion and allows an overview of one's coin collection through tables and statistics.

For the next few days to two weeks the appearance of the version 1.1 on Aminet is already being announced. Two functions are included, one for the overview of the conditions and strike quality, along with counting of the Euro coins, and one which points out the expenditures involved with your collection in monthly steps, so that you receive an overview of how much you spent each month on Euro coins. Further, there is to then be a possibility to also calculate the expenses of associated materials like coin cases, albums and so on. (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 13. Nov. 2003, 10:32] [Comments: 0]
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