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13.Nov.2003 (Webseite)

Amithlon: the Amithlon Kernel Project
Because the development of the Amiga emulator Amithlon has ceased for a while, it's become considerably more difficult to get Amithlon to cooperate on modern PC hardware. On account of that Gary Colville decided to start the Amithlon Kernel Project.

In doing this, Gary has taken advantage of a characteristic of the Amithlon product: Amithlon consists of two components - the actual emulator as well as a tailored Linux kernel, on which the emulator runs. While the former has commercial status and thus may not be modified by outsiders, the latter is under an open source license and may therefore may be expanded by a third party. Through this, support for modern chipsets and graphic cards is made possible.

Because new hardware costs money, and Gary can really only focus on the hardware that he personally owns, he is calling (title link) for financial support from interested users.

Which hardware he can purchase, and thereby support in Amithlon, depends on demand on the part of the users. The most needed support at this time seems to be for the "NForce 2" chipset, used in the products "GeForce FX", "VIA KT600" and "GeForce 4MX." (cg) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 13. Nov. 2003, 02:43] [Comments: 0]
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