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Ron van Herk / Genesi

Cyberstorm: Report on DCE repairs / MorphOS version at the end of this year
CyberStorm Warranty Repairs

As mentioned on the thread at earlier, all CyberStorm boards sent in under warranty will be replaced by new ones. The production of these is partly done, the PCB's are there with all lower part components fitted. The problem currently is the lack of availability of the right 68K sockets. The ones that were originally used for the Phase5 and later DCE productions were specially made for Phase5 and are no longer being manufactured. However, there are several investigations ongoing at other manufacturers to adapt existing (and available) connectors to be fitted to the CyberStorm PCB's. Once this is solved, the production will be completed and all involved will receive new CyberStorm cards under warranty.

Non-Warranty Repairs

All non-warranty repair customers should have had a price quote from me. The repairs that could be done have been completed and all cards have been sent back or will be sent back in the next week. There are also repairs that are pending awaiting CPU sockets (see above).

Non-Repairable Items

Repairs that could not be done have also been sent back or will be next week. Several cards have been sent back by DCE already, others will be returned by me from Rotterdam next week.

Other Factors

During investigating the whole repairs issue, several disturbing things have come to my attention. There are cases of repairs not being done because they have been submitted through a reseller that has had outstanding invoices for three years, and also cases where repairs were done and sent back to a reseller, who then sold them as new products. I will not disclose specific information but just wanted to state this in DCE's defence, they're not always the one to blame...

Genesi Gesture

As a gesture from Genesi, there will be a new release of MorphOS for 'classic Amiga' PowerPC cards available for free. The planned release is at the end of this year.

DCE and Genesi

Several people have opted their concern in the thread about possible future repairs at DCE for Genesi products. First of all, please consider that the Amiga repairs are a special situation and it is not common for repairs to take this long, not even for DCE. Furthermore, anyone buying a PegasosII is dealing with Genesi, not with DCE. If there is a case where a Genesi product needs repair or replacement, Genesi will see to it that it happens the right way and in a decent timeframe. For reference see our history with the mainboard exchanges for April and April2 fixed boards. These were made at DCE too!

Preliminary Conclusion

Apart from the wait for the right 68K sockets, most issues are either done or will be in the next week. There are however still some unallocated cards at DCE. Anyone that also thinks they have an outstanding repair at DCE and has not been in contact with me yet, please do so NOW, as we are working towards concluding the whole operation and at some point soon we will not take on any more investigations. If you have sent in your repair to a reseller be sure to mention which one explicitely.


Ron van Herk
Genesi (snx)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2003, 20:48] [Comments: 1 - 21. Oct. 2003, 13:31]
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