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Jörg Lennhof - RetroGames e.V. (ANF)

Event: 4. Retro stock exchange on 27.9.2003 in the GoTec - Karlsruhe
The first registered association for the preservation of classic video and computer games, RetroGames e.V., and 8bit-Games organize the 4th 8-Bit retro stock exchange this time in Karlsruhe (Germany).

On Saturday in September, 27th 2003 can collectors and interested people from 10 to 16 o'clock in the rooms of the GoTec Kulturhaus buy and sell classisc video games, home computers and collectors pieces.

Additionally, all guests and visitors can visit the arcade and video games exhibition of the RetroGames e.V. association which contains rare collectors pieces out of more than 30 years of video gaming history. The exhibition is unique in Germany. The admission charge is valid for the Retro stock exchange as well as for the exhibition of RetroGames e.V.

More information about the association and about the Retro stock exchange can be found at Emails can be sent to (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Aug. 2003, 11:38] [Comments: 0]
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