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ScummVM Amiga Webseite (ANF)

ScummVM 0.5.0 R2 (68k and WarpOS) Appears
The second release of ScummVM 0.5.0 appeared today. In this version a few bugs with the game selector have been eliminated and a few corrections with the path entries within the program have been improved. With ScummVM 0.5.0 the following games may finally be played for the first time on the Amiga: "The Curse of Monkey Island", "The Dig", "Full Throttle", "Beneath a Steelsky" und "Simon The Sorcerer 1 + 2 (PC-Versionen)." (nba) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Aug. 2003, 12:33] [Comments: 0]
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