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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

Summer events with individual Computers
"No summer break this year!" While our office in Aachen is closed from July 24th until August 18th, there are several Amiga- and classic computing related events during the time.

It's startig with Amiwest in Sacramento, California this weekend. This is a show of long tradition that has been taking place for many years. This year we attend the show as exhibitors for the first time. In the past years, we have only exhibited at the Amiga show in St. Louis in the midwest of the USA.

On the same weekend, the computer-party Little Computer People takes place in Sweden. It's organized by C64-fans for C64-fans, and we're supporting it with some prizes. The current state of development of the C-One is shown, and our netowrking card "RR-Net" is demonstrated to a larger audience for the first time. It's also going to be for sale!

The height of the season is the Classic Gaming Expo 2003 in Las Vegas on August 9th and 10th. We're also exhibiting at this show for the first time. At the expo for classic computer games and arcade machines, names like Atari, Activision, Vectrex, Intellivision and of course Commodore are revived. The guest list contains big names like Paul Norman, David Crane and Garry Kitchen. (ps)

[News message: 24. Jul. 2003, 11:12] [Comments: 0]
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