Mummert Consulting (E-Mail)
Study: Online Shops Battle Trust Deficit
Around 50% of German websurfers avoid purchasing anything on the Internet. The main problem for most of them: they can't examine and test the products before buying. And very third person gets by without online purchases because they are satisfied with the goods of "real" stores.
The fear of someone stealing their personal data is another factor that stops surfers from buying. About 30% name this fear as a reason for why they have yet to purchase anything online. And every fifth person is worried that his bill will be incorrectly calculated and so he doesn't buy anything. These figures come from a current study "Internet Statistics of Consumers (IZV6)" done by the University of Karlsruhe and Mummert Consulting.
Online shops battle a trust deficit: Half of all German websurfers don't buy anything on the Internet. The principal reason for this, according to these surfers, is that they can't test the wares over the Internet. Every fourth purchase avoider doesn't trust the online stores because it might be hard to complain and return things. Almost every third fears for the protection of his data. The market share of online shoppers may rise if e-shops improve their service. About 28% don't buy online, because help and service aren't good enough.
It's easier for well known web-shops to win customers: about two thirds of online shoppers do most of their shopping by known merchants. Every fifth buys *exclusively* by known shops. And the general experience of Internet users with the Internet influences their purchasing attitude: the less experienced the surfer, the less he goes online shopping. Experienced users purchase 20% more stuff on the Internet than the unexperienced. (nba) (Translation: dm)
[News message: 03. Jul. 2003, 16:34] [Comments: 0]
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