Amigan Software (Website)
Game: Saga Version 1.27
Version 1.27 of the freeware game Saga from Amigan Software has appeared. The game is a conversion of a TSR board game from 1981 called Saga: Age of Heroes and is playable by up to six players, which may be controlled by humans or the Amiga. It's all about battling monsters, finding treasure, and building your kingdom through valor and heroism.
The game is available in German and English at this time. It requires at least AmigaOS 3.0+ and AGA/RTG. The source code is in the archive. The author James R. Jacobs has made a few improvements and cleaned up a few errors since the last version.
Download: Saga.lha - 297 KB
(ps) (Translation: dm)
[News message: 03. Jul. 2003, 09:07] [Comments: 1 - 05. Jul. 2003, 16:58]
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