Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)
Development of SBase4Pro
Russ Norrby of Mr. Hardware Computers, the owners of the "SBase4Pro"-rights (formerly known as "SuperBase 4 Pro"), reports at Amiga.org:
"SBase4Pro can now be compiled with the GCC. This puts us into the position
to provide PPC versions - for example for the AmigaOne.
The current version is v1.36 from April 2000. SBase4Pro is
a very powerful and flexible multi-relational data base. Some of our own
products were made using SBase, for example Retail Escort and Video Escort.
At present we are working on many improvements, for example on HTML outputs or
the possibility to lock files.
(nba) (Translation: sk)
[News message: 30. Jun. 2003, 13:55] [Comments: 0]
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