Philippe Bourdin (ANF)
Report from AUGS Meeting / OS4 on Tour in Basel
The official report from AUGS Meeting 2003 in Basel is online, with pictures from Caspar Schlegel (AUGS).
The meeting itself was enjoyable for the organizers (Claude Müller/AUGS
and Jürgen Schober/point.design).
The AUGS team was happily surprised that they actually had to bring in more chairs for the OS4 presentation, which they did with pleasure.
Locally, the way to the currently largest Commodore logo in the world was described: in "Aesch" not far from Basel one finds such a logo over 9 meters tall, where it has been for many years at the former headquarters of Commodore Switzerland.
Many thanks to all the visitors and have fun with the pictures. A special thanks to Jürgen Schober for his honorable efforts. (ps) (Translation: dm)
[News message: 26. Jun. 2003, 08:16] [Comments: 0]
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