Golem - IT News
Golem: The end of the GIF-Patent
20 June 2003: The LZW patent expires today in the United States.
However, patents on LZW are still in force in other countries.
Please continue to refrain from using GIFs. More importantly, do
not allow your communications to be censored by the whims of
patent holders. Things you can do:
- Oppose the expansion of software patents to your country, if such
patents are not available there now.
- Insist that standards bodies in which you participate make an an
"innovation compatible" (IC) license a requirement for any patents
needed to implement a standard.
- Develop and support software that works with non-patented file
formats and network protocols, instead of patent-encumbered ones.
Sign the petition against software patents in Europe.
PNG-Tips for Cartoonists
Hackles writes:
In short, PNG combines (and improves upon) the best qualities of GIF
and JPEG, and can effectively replace GIFs on the Web. So why don't
people use it more often? Here are some tips on how to use it correctly.
I wrote this article to encourage cartoonists to start using PNG, and
to share some tips on exploiting PNG's strengths. Used correctly, PNG
can drastically reduce the file size and download time of one's comics.
(ps) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 23. Jun. 2003, 14:43] [Comments: 0]
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