amiga-news.de Community-Polo-shirts
The amiga-news.de community-shirts are now also available in the following design:
Zip Polo Pique made from 100% cotton (230g/qm), collar, strip with hidden metal
zip fastener, double seam, site slashs and neck band. The polo shirts are available
from 27 Euro on in different colours.
If you are going to order then please have a look at the picture: small colour field =
colour on the band, big colour field = polo basic colour. If the basic colour light then
the colour of the letters of the amiga-news.de logos is black.
If you want your user name can be also printed on the shirt. Please write it down when
you order.
(ps) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 09. May. 2003, 21:42] [Comments: 0]
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