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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

France-special with individual Computers and KDH
To increase the availability of products by individual Computers in France, there's a special in cooperation with KDH Datentechnik, Germany. Every parcel that contains a Catweasel, a Delfina or an X-Surf 2 will be shipped at discounted shipping cost. With an allowance that is paid by KDH and individual Computers, shipping cost can be as low as 11,- EUR in the best case.

The special is valid until April 30th, 2003. Just drop by at KDH and compare prices! International payments are conveniently handled with credit cards or through PayPal.

[News message: 05. Apr. 2003, 12:07] [Comments: 1 - 06. Apr. 2003, 10:49]
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