Alfred Faust (Website)
Sequencer: BarsnPipes V1.20
Alfred Faust published version 1.20 of one of the best sequencer for the Amiga called
BarsnPipes on 1st April 2003.
New in version 1.20: Screenmode requester, GadTools interface, most of the requesters
are accessable with the keyboard, CAMD library, new 32 colour design, localisation and
much more. If you are interested in the changes please have a look at the
history which is available in the
BnP_Addenum.guide file.
Download: BnP1_20U.lha (454 KB)
This archive only contains the changed files if you are going to update previous version.
The source code of BarsnPipes was officially released on 25th May 2001 by Todor Fay.
Since Alfred Faust has developed further this pofessional program it is Freeware.
(ps) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 04. Apr. 2003, 13:03] [Comments: 0]
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