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Martin Heine (ANF)

Amiga Inc.: Amiga Absence at CeBIT 2003 in Hannover
Amiga Absence at CeBIT

Mar 6, 2003 - Late last year, Amiga announced its intention to launch AmigaOS4.0 at the CeBIT show in Germany. Since then, the project has advanced into its final stages but unfortunately not to the point where we are ready to ship. We have thus decided not to attend the Cebit Germany show. Instead we are looking at other shows and opportunities in the near future to provide a suitable platform for the launch of the new Amiga.

We apologize to the commmunity for waiting until the last possible moment to make this announcement but despite heroic efforts by all concerned, even up to the last minute, circumstances have conspired to push completion beyond the deadline. We have regretfully decided that making CeBIT Germany the AmigaOS 4 launch platform is not a realistic option at present.

AmigaOS4.0 is coming. Beta-testing has been going on since last September, the Club Amiga Magazine is previewing many of the new features and AmigaOne integration is proceeding well. Amiga, Hyperion and Eyetech are 100% committed to getting the new platform out into the world and reintroducing the world to the pleasures of home computing.

-- The Amiga Team (ps)

[News message: 07. Mar. 2003, 09:56] [Comments: 0]
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