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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Update: Digital voltmeter for Amiga
Carsten Siegner currently developes a new voltmeter hardware for the parallel port, which went through several improvements:

To the voltmeter hardware a 100 times highspeed amplifier has been added. Thus it is possible to measure voltages down to field of micro voltages. The amplifier is to chose by a toggle switch (normal resolution / high resolution area). The voltmeter circuit includes an own power supply controller now to be not influenced by noise signals from the powernet which might distort the measurement. Thus it becomes posile to use nearly every power supply (not stabilized ones also) which offers 6 to 12 Volt and a maximum of 1 Ampere.

There are several ARexx scripts available to control the voltmeter. Further more Siegner works on a more complete version with a GUI currently. This will include the following features: Single measurement (save function included), high speed measurement with an adjustable number of samples (save function included), view as list for all measurements (high speed measurement), view as diagram (high speed measurement); therefore some similiarities with an oscilloscope.

Additional to the voltmeter program there will be, once it will be finished, the wiring diagram available to built the voltmeter yourself. To do so you should be some kind of an advanced electrician because e.g. the measurement chip is highly delicate regarding electro static charge. All parts might be purchased at Conrad Electronic. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Mar. 2003, 21:55] [Comments: 0]
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