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Amiforce (ANF)

Amiforce: Alternative #Amigafun Webchat and more
Unfortunately some time nothing could happen, due to some hardware problems. Now it is times again for an update.

Since Webchat for the well-known Amiga Channel in the IRC is currently not available, Amiforce offers now a HTML Chat. This Webchat should be however only a temporary solution, which can be maintained if necessary also additionally. The chat was integrated in the Amiforce forum and is attainable over a button named "#IRC". The chat is meant exclusively for Amiforce and may not be taken over on other Web pages. In this way users, which have no IRC client, can now visit the channel again. Everyone who would like to use the chat, should refer to the individual instructions, since no graphic elements are used.

Classic-Games Area:
Freeware games will be made available here. They are based on Amos offering high quality and much fun. More games will be added in the future.

Java-Script Games:
A new area will be added with games that can be played directly on our page. A lot of games will be integrated. Since Ibrowse2.3 there are many games that now are realy useable. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 03. Mar. 2003, 18:23] [Comments: 0]
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