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Virtual Dimension (ANF)

Online-Game: New round of Star Empire 2
A new round of the Internet-space-strategy-game "Star Empire 2" will start on the 3rd of April.

The goal of the game (which is unfortunately German only) is to become ruler of the universe - but there are up to 32 human players and computer-controlled pirated to stop you. Diplomacy, alliances, but also well-armed space-ships will be needed.

"Star Empire 2" is a server-based game, i.e. the game itself runs on the computers of Virtual Dimension and every player gets a weekly report about what's going on. Based upon this information commands are sent back to the server. There's no need for a client, because standard-html- and ascii-files are used.

The subscription to the new round will be possible until 2003/03/29, the first reports will be sent out on Thursday, 2003/04/03. On that day the old round - which had to be suspended due to technical problems - will continue as well.

As a little goodie it is now possible to download the "Star Empire 2"-Trailer from Virtual Dimension's anniversary video seperately (sorry Timothy, it's still German only ;-).

P.S: The server program runs on AmigaOS, of course... :-) (nba)

[News message: 02. Mar. 2003, 22:38] [Comments: 0]
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