Font: TTEngine Version 6.2
TTEngine is a text rendering environment for Amiga OS, which is based
on TrueType Font. Yesterday the author of TTEngine Grzegorz Kraszewski
released version 6.2.
Changes:- Style and weight
selection gadgets added to the font requester.
- Added algorithmic italic font
face generation. If a choosen font family does not have italic faces, TTEngine
automatically generates them by shearing regular ones. Works only if requesting
application opens fonts using the database.
- FPU version of TTEngine compiled.
Faster 30 to 50% on the same machine in antialiased modes.
Download: ttengine-6.2.lha (609 kb).
(nba) (Translation: sk)
[News message: 10. Feb. 2003, 14:23] [Comments: 0]
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