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Jukka Varsaluoma (ANF)

New Freeware puzzle game: AlyBox
Jukka Varsaluoma released a new puzzle game "AlyBox".

By using the MiniGL technology 3D-accelerated diagrams, fast camera moves and impressive blending effects are possible. The game, which offers numerous sound effects, can be used in the full screen mode or in a window on the Workbench and can be controlled by keyboard or joystick.

System requirements given by the programmer are an Amiga with 68040 CPU (PPC to become supported by WarpOS), executable Warp3D-Installation, executable AHI installation and installed Lucyplay.library on. The game was published as Freeware. (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 10. Feb. 2003, 12:59] [Comments: 0]
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