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Maja (ANF)

Linux: KDE 3.1 released
The GUI for Linux, KDE, is now available in version 3.1. In the long list of new features are mentioned e. g. 'Tabbed Browsing', a new download manager, new themes and a theme manager, and enhancements of the system management.

Its look is orientated on Windows XP and MacOS X as the screenshots show.

Binaries are available for ASP Linux (7.3 Intel i386), Conectiva Linux (8.0 Intel i386), Debian (Intel i386, IBM PowerPC), Slackware (8.1 Intel i386), Suse Linux (8.1 Intel i386, 8.0 Intel i386, 7.3 Intel i386 und IBM PowerPC, 7.1 Intel i386), Turbolinux (8.0 Intel i586, 7.0 Intel i586, Yoper (1.0 Intel i686 tgz), and VECTORLINUX (3.0 Intel i386).

Download: (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 28. Jan. 2003, 22:46] [Comments: 2 - 23. Feb. 2003, 01:47]
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