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Martin Heine (ANF)

Set-top boxes and more: New statement by Genesi
In a new statement (title link) Raquel Velasco und Bill Buck of Genesi have a.o. announced a contract for Pegasos and MorphOS based set-top boxes, which provides for the cash flow necessary for the other projects.

Shows are expensive. 100,000 Dollars have been invested in a short period of time just for the CES in Las Vegas and the ARC in Aachen and the respective attention grabbing (not to forget the cost for the other public presentations and events).

Furthermore it contains another hint at having applied legal measures to get AmigaOS on the Pegasos.

According to the announcement, the Pegasos is shipped with MorphOS, DebianPPC, Mac-on-Linux and a bundle of games and applications. Ports of OpenBSD and Gentoo are said to be in the works and available before the CeBIT. Furthermore there are talks about ports of BeOS, OpenBeOS, NetBSD, Zeta and NewOS. SuSE and Mandrake are already running on the Pegasos. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 19. Jan. 2003, 00:11] [Comments: 0]
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