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Martin Strojek (ANF)

GOLEM: PPC-mainboard Pegasos available - rival for AmigaOne
Under the title link you can find a detailed description of the new PowerPC mainboards Pegasos/AmigaOne. There is also a little comparision of the features of the two mainboards. It follows a short extract from the text:
"While Amiga Inc. and its AmigaOne partners concentrate on the forthcoming commercial operating system AmigaOS 4.0 which is supposed to inspire the Amiga platform with new life Thendic-France and bplan deliver its board together with MorphOS and DebianPPC-Linux."
You can find the complete article under the title link (in German). (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 13. Dec. 2002, 12:36] [Comments: 0]
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