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Andreas Falkenhahn (E-Mail)

Hollywood now available also for MorphOS (Update)
A native MorphOS version of Hollywood is now available. This PPC version is of course much faster than the 68k one, so many effects can now be displayed in real time at an acceptable speed (on 68k computers most of the CPU intensive effects were precalculated and displayed then to make them appear smoothly). It is already very fast on my Blizzard PPC with 200 MHz so it should really fly on a Pegasos system.

So you can create now cool applications, games and demonstrations even for PPC and convert them also into native PPC executables! All Hollywood CD-ROMs shipped from now, will contain the 68k and MorphOS PPC version. If you already have the first edition of the Hollywood CD-ROM you can request the MorphOS version of Hollywood from me by sending an e-mail to me. By the way, if you want your Hollywood CD-ROM before Christmas, it is high time to order now.

Update 14.12.2002:
Andreas Falkenhahn writes:
As I got some mails from people saying that they won't buy Hollywood because I'm supporting MorphOS I have to clarify that there will be AmigaOS4 version of Hollywood of course. But before this can happen, I need a developer version of AmigaOS4 and because such a version does not seem to be available currently, I cannot do anything yet. But there will be definitely an AmigaOS4 version of Hollywood (if it is API compatible to the classic AmigaOS). So, don't panic and don't send me any more of such threatening letters. It's really astonishing how serious this topic seems to be to some people. Additionally the update to the AmigaOS4 version of Hollywood will be free of charge too (as the update to the MorphOS version was). So if you are interested in Hollywood, you can also buy the program now and get the update for free when AmigaOS 4 is finally available. (ps)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2002, 16:32] [Comments: 0]
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